Hello, I’m Tash and I’m the face behind Tash Knits.
I’m a UK based independent knitwear designer. I provide tips and tutorials for tricky stitches, so that the patterns I create can be enjoyed by knitters of every skill level.
I learnt to knit when I was a child but, like so many others, I’d stopped knitting by my early teens and then didn’t knit for twenty years or more. Then in March 2014 my eldest daughter announced that she’d like to learn to knit. I retaught myself so that I could teach her. She started by knitting a bag and a pair of fingerless mittens, and my other children soon started asking her for bags and mittens of their own.
I took matters into my own hands and got completely bitten by the knitting bug. Within a month I’d knitted a child size jumper and was looking for ever more interesting and challenging knits. It wasn’t too long before I started creating my own designs, some simple accessories at first, followed by socks and then shawls. I have been very lucky to have received huge amounts of support and encouragement along the way from the fibre community. I hope you’ll join me in my knitwear design adventure – I can’t wait to see where we go next!
Click the links below to connect with me on social media. Pattern support is available via email – tash@tashknits.com